[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (43-12) defeat the Boston Celtics (39-17), 114-112.
[–][POR] Evan Turner jaydenoren 246 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Celtic Lakers is BACK
[–]Lakers monkeyman80 17 指標(biāo) 4小時前
my fave was christmas day 08. the crowd was so jacked to get revenge for the finals. i ve only been to a handful of games, but that was one i was so glad i splurged.
[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 3574 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Celtics vs LA has not disappointed. It has been 2-2 so far.
[–]West vapianonuts24 294 指標(biāo) 5小時前
One of the Best regular games of the season?
[–]Celtics LambdaLambo 299 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Really impressed with the Lakers defense on Tatum in the 4th. KCP was great.
Lebron still dicking us 10 years later.
refs suck but it went both ways.
[–]Thunder lacrorear 49 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Absolutely. At least they were consistently bad
[–]MysticKnives 116 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Tatum straight was cooking them especially in the first half. Bron just doing Bron things. KCP being clutch. Cs going 2-2 against LA in general is pretty fucking good. They’re clearly elite
[–]Celtics LambdaLambo 103 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Close lose in LA without Kemba? I’ll take it.
Tatum was great, but what I loved about this game is that this is the hardest Tatum has ever been worked by a defense. He was treated like harden out there. And it’s clear that there’s still another level for him to learn: how to use the pressure to find the open man.
Hopefully in another season or so Tatum will be able to take advantage of doubles to open it up for other people
[–]Celtics LordHussyPants 12 指標(biāo) 4小時前
tatum being double teamed harden style before passing it to an open 3 was hilarious, he s so young and such a threat!
[–]MysticKnives 33 指標(biāo) 5小時前
He’s really got so much potential and he’s still getting better lol. Shit really is scary. Like he’s so fucking young and he just keeps improving.
[–]Spurs GGezpzMuppy 1265 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Got to love a great Celtics v Lakers game. Pressure always jumps a level or two. Fuck the refs though
[–]Lakers WelcomeToBoshwitz 1630 指標(biāo) 5小時前
The refs today took a lot from the fun of the game
[–]JAYDEA 162 指標(biāo) 5小時前
The whole game was bull shit. Refs sucked
[–]Celtics wzr2001 875 指標(biāo) 5小時前
I would really love less whistles in the playoffs...
[–]Lakers madxspence 671 指標(biāo) 5小時前
We should see less whistles in the playoffs. The game was really fun, but the whistles ruined the mood. Also, FUCK YOU GUYS.
[–]Celtics wzr2001 516 指標(biāo) 5小時前
That was fun! Respect brother!
[–][LAL] Luke Walton IzzyIzumi 276 指標(biāo) 4小時前
This is the way.
[–]Lakers ryanasaurus 2198 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Tatum is a fucking big baller
[–]Lakers tks91 26 指標(biāo) 5小時前
He s a superstar today. He reminds me of when DWade would torch us and we can t stop him.
[–]Supersonics rjcarr 11 指標(biāo) 5小時前
And he missed at least two really easy layups, maybe three. He’s definitely climbed the ladder the last couple months.
[–]Lakers Paranoides 425 指標(biāo) 5小時前
It should’ve been goddamn hard to shoot on AD.
[–]Pelicans PrimeShaq 28 指標(biāo) 2小時前
I believe Tatum s play motivated Bron to play above his usual LeCoast today.
[–]BluefaceBabyYeaAight 117 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Glad we didn t draft him otherwise i d be heated if we had to trade him and Ingram to the Pelicans, that team would ve been nuts tho
[–]Lakers davensdad 175 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Bro, if we had Tatum AND Ingram, there would have been no need to trade for AD. We would already be a playoffs team.
[–]Lakers OldManBrom 40 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Yeah I was about to say the same. Bron Tatum Ingram is a fucking big 3 right there. Bron would be much less adamant about pushing for an AD trade.
[–]C_Strike 16 指標(biāo) 4小時前
Tbf you’re right as in this seasons versions but no telling whether Tatum becomes the same player he is now in the Lakers setup.
[–]Lakers EndQuick 156 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Lavar scammed us man. We could ve drafted Tatum
[–]zannet_t 13 指標(biāo) 4小時前
But see, the draft boards all had Lonzo at 2 or something similar. There was no shame in us picking Lonzo who s btw doing beautifully in NOLA. Now, picking Marvin fucking Bagley over Luka Doncic would ve made us look like real clowns.
[–]Lakers cantcooklovefood 205 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Tatum is a nightmare
[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown Ye_Biz 156 指標(biāo) 5小時前
And Lebron is Lebron, still makes the clutchest shots
[–]Lakers MrDinglebop 107 指標(biāo) 5小時前
That fade-away post up on Brown (I think) was some LeBronto shit.
[–]Lakers EndQuick 54 指標(biāo) 5小時前
That smile while posting him up man. Definitely Lebronto shit.
[–]radicalheadphone 16 指標(biāo) 5小時前
When y all gonna meet in the finals? Lakers vs Celtics would be sweet
[–]Celtics peachesgp 9 指標(biāo) 5小時前
I just wish we had a competitive game where the refs didn t make themselves a big deal. Who knows what happens with competent officiating, but it sure would have been more enjoyable.
[–]Celtics mikeyfreshh 42 指標(biāo) 5小時前
I m mad as hell but it was a fun game to watch. I want 7 more in June
[–]Lakers immigrantsheep 18 指標(biāo) 5小時前
See you in June for another classic final
[–]Celtics randomespanaguy 13 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Kobe definitely woulda loved a Celtics-Lakers finals damn. I m fairly certain that the Bucks is still the clear favorites for now but I hope we can get Kemba back and go on a streak just to get to the finals and face against the Lakers.
[–]Celtics sahsan10 99 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Bucks slapping both our cheeks lmao
[–]Celtics spartan_noble6 54 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Bucks can go 82-0 and people will still believe they can be beat in the playoffs
[–]Lakers ALLAHU-AKBARRRRR 20 指標(biāo) 4小時前
That s literally how it works though lmao. Just cuz you #1 in the regular season doesnt mean that you are automatically set. The bucks were #1 last season too and look how that went
[–]shanmustafa 315 指標(biāo) 5小時前
AD had 30+ and i thought he way under performed on offense, missed wide open layups over much smaller players
he shoulda easily had 40+
also idk if LeBron is bad setting his man to get screened off now, or AD just doesn t set great ones, but they need to tighten up that Bron/AD pnr
[–]Lakers Tearszzz 173 指標(biāo) 5小時前
exactly this. AD da kind of player to get 30+ a game and doesn t pass my eye test. Got fed early on by LeMAGIC then takes 10 kobe fadeaways on smaller guys in the post. Das weak.
Lebron and the rest doing their things so nothing to complain there but AD gotta step it up.
[–]Lakers OldManBrom 24 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Totally agree but I m willing to give him a pass since it s still February. Comes the playoff he d better man up.
[–]GreatKingCurry77 23 指標(biāo) 4小時前
im hoping theyre half assin their pnr so that there would be less film for other teams to analyze before playoffs
[–][GSW] Draymond Green jthc 7 指標(biāo) 2小時前
It s not a bad idea to keep stuff in the bag, but considering that this is their first year together it s probably more important to get their execution down. In theory the Lebron/AD PnR is nearly impossible to guard whether you know it s coming or not-- but only if they execute correctly.
[–]Lakers Vindicare605 63 指標(biāo) 5小時前
Ugh I m glad I m not the only one that hates his fadeaways on smaller players. Dude needs to not play like he s made out glass at times I swear.
[–]think_bowl 25 指標(biāo) 4小時前
100%. The mark of a real good player is taking care of a mismatch. I don’t want streaky weak shit. Just if you got a smaller guy pound him for a layup or foul every time.
I keep saying it. His stats are great but when bron is out he cannot carry the team. It is concerning.
[–]Lakers toofine 16 指標(biāo) 3小時前
Nah, this amount of effort by him in the regular season is exactly what I want from him.
Playoffs are a different story but his game is perfect for the regular season.
[–][LAL] Lonzo Ball RedsAnatomy 7 指標(biāo) 2小時前
I agree here, as long as he’s willing to pound the paint in the playoffs he can take as many stepbacks as he wants now