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Science, 11 JUNE 2021, VOL 372, ISSUE 6547
Spiral morphology in an intensely star-forming disk galaxy more than 12 billion years ago
▲ 感謝分享:Takafumi Tsukui, ProfileSatoru Iguchi
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The early assembly of galaxies is thought to have produced disturbed and asymmetric objects. Morphological features seen in nearby galaxies, such as stellar disks, bulges, and spiral arms, require time to form and would be disturbed by the frequent galaxy mergers that occurred at early times. Tsukui and Iguchi identified a distant galaxy containing a disk of gas with a spiral morphology. The galaxy also has a compact central mass concentration due to a combination of a supermassive black hole and a possible stellar bulge. These features must have formed within 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang.
Spatiotemporal imaging of 2D polariton wave packet dynamics using free electrons
▲ 感謝分享:Yaniv Kurman, Raphael Dahan, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Ido Kaminer, etc.
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Two-dimensional (2D) materials can confine light to volumes much shorter than the wavelength, and, together, the long propagation lengths make them attractive materials for developing nanophotonic platforms. Characterizing the spatiotemporal control of 2D polariton wave packets has been hindered for the same reasons that make their potential applications exciting: They have extremely small wavelengths and are strongly confined inside the material. Kurman et al. developed a new pump-probe technique based on electron emission that provides access to the spatiotemporal dynamics of 2D polaritons. The nanometric spatial resolution and femtosecond temporal resolution will be useful for probing the excitation dynamics of these materials.
Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal
▲ 感謝分享:A. Kyprianidis, F. Machado, W. Morong, C. Monroe, etc.
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Characterizing and understanding different phases of matter in equilibrium is usually associated with the process of thermalization, where the system equilibrates. Recent efforts probing nonequilibrium systems have revealed that periodic driving of the system can suppress the natural tendency for equilibration yet still form new, nonequilibrium phases. Kyprianidis et al. used a quantum simulator composed of 25 trapped ion qubits and spins to observe such a nonequilibrium phase of matter: the disorder-free prethermal discrete time crystal. The flexibility and tunability of their quantum simulator provide a powerful platform with which to study the exotic phases of matter.
Nitrogen reduction to ammonia at high efficiency and rates based on a phosphonium proton shuttle
▲ 感謝分享:Bryan H. R. Suryanto, Karolina Matuszek, Jaecheol Choi, Rebecca Y. Hodgetts, Hoang-Long Du, Jacinta M. Bakker, Colin S. M. Kang, Pavel V. Cherepanov, Alexandr N. Simonov, Douglas R. MacFarlane
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An electrochemical route to ammonia could substantially lower the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the current thermal Haber-Bosch process. One relatively promising option under study involves reductive formation of lithium nitride, which can be protonated to ammonia. However, the ethanol used to date as a local proton source in these studies may degrade under the reaction conditions. Suryanto et al. report the use of a tetraalkyl phosphonium salt in place of ethanol. This cation can stably undergo deprotonation–reprotonation cycles and, as an added benefit, it enhances the ionic conductivity of the medium.
Very weak bonds to artificial atoms formed by quantum corrals
▲ 感謝分享:Fabian Stilp, Andreas Bereczuk, Julian Berwanger, Nadine Mundigl, Klaus Richter, Franz J. Giessibl
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Chemical bonds generally form between electronic states of atoms; in principle, other electronic states could also form bonds. Stilp et al. found that the electronic states created within quantum corrals, large rings of iron atoms on a copper surface, can form chemical bonds with metal atoms on an atomic force microscope tip. The corral states form from many electrons but have a large spatial extent compared with an atomic orbital. The covalent bond to a 48-atom corral state had an energy of just 5 millielectron volts.
Exit time as a measure of ecological resilience
▲ 感謝分享:Babak M. S. Arani, Stephen R. Carpenter, Leo Lahti, Egbert H. van Nes, Marten Scheffer
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Resilience is an important concept in the study of critical transitions and tipping points in complex systems and is defined by the size of the disturbance that a system can endure before tipping into an alternative stable state. Nevertheless, resilience has proved resistant to measurement. Arani et al. show how the mathematical concept of mean exit time, the time it takes for a system to cross a threshold, can help to solve this problem and characterize the resilience of complex systems. They derived a model approach to estimate exit time from time series data and applied it to examples from a grazed plant population model, lake cyanobacterial data, and Pleistocene-Holocene climate data. This approach may improve our understanding of the dynamical properties of complex systems under threat.