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[Post Game Thread] The Utah Jazz (32-13) defeat the Dallas Mavericks (28-17) 112-107, giving them th

[Post Game Thread] The Utah Jazz (32-13) defeat the Dallas Mavericks (28-17) 112-107, giving them their 14th win in their last 15 games.




[–]Mavericks BWalsh10 285 指標(biāo) 4 小時前

I could feel that L coming. It’s just a completely different team in the clutch


[–]Knicks raziiiii 139 指標(biāo) 4小時前

You guys are super young. Still learning days. Dont worry


[–]Mavericks DFWTooThrowed 27 指標(biāo) 2小時前

The most reassuring take I saw on twitter after this game was you can t expect this team to go from winning roughly 30 games to winning 50 in one year and even when a team does win 50 games, they still lose 32 .

In other words, we need to chill out. Not every loss is the end of the world.



[–]Jazz Coltand 16 指標(biāo) 4小時前

Y’all sure had me worried! Thanks for giving us some good fun basketball to watch—I think the Mavs are now my number two favorite in the West.


[–]everythingisamovie 14 指標(biāo) 2小時前

Barely losing on the road to the Jazz after controlling most the game is not a loss to worry about in any way


[–]Mavericks Tankwagon Pikachu_9000 5 指標(biāo) 1小時前

We have lost a lot of games in the clutch, like it s actually insane how unclutch we are this year.


[–]Jazz Ryelen 68 指標(biāo) 4小時前

You guys we re just a smidge better most of the game, just couldn t endure to the end.


[–]Jazz detlef-shrimp 12 指標(biāo) 3小時前

That’s not a big concern considering it is an age thing. The fact that you guys are the top offense is super encouraging, and playing against you guys you feel that. I was telling my gf, you can’t leave Kristaps or Luka, you can’t leave Curry, you can’t leave Hardaway, and Finney Smith just hit a shot so damn that is hard to figure out


[–]Mavericks IrishMamba1992 20 指標(biāo) 4小時前

53% from the line too, Jazz deserved it


[–]Just Metod 22 指標(biāo) 4小時前

They relly on Luka too much when he is tired and lacking confidence after a bad shooting stretch. They really need that 3rd scorer that cand handle the ball and take the pressure of of him.


[–]Mavericks 59435950153 18 指標(biāo) 3小時前

The only way we win is when we blowout pur opponents, and even then we still lose the lead lol


[–]Jazz onanisticIdea 11 指標(biāo) 3小時前

That was literally the jazz last year. It sucks, but it s a very surmountable problem.


[–][UTA] Ricky Rubio Brutus583 24 指標(biāo) 4小時前

I m pretty sure Utah is one of the most clutch teams this season as well


[–]Jazz Dhylan18 23 指標(biāo) 4小時前

Which is crazy because the jazz lost every 3 point margin game last year


[–]The Leapist 11 指標(biāo) 2小時前

It truly is incredible how the Jazz went from being one of the worst in the clutch in the league to being one of the very best in just one off season.



[–]Celtics Tpsteen 679 指標(biāo) 7小時前

that block by gobert was unreal


[–]Raptors Redwings96 78 指標(biāo) 7小時前

That’s just unfair.


[–]Mavericks DirkNowitzkisWife 330 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I saw it and thought “surely that was a goal tend!” And then saw it again. Nope, just unreal quickness and recovery by Gobert. That’s what DPOY’s do unfortunately


[–][UTA] John Stockton PodSixWasJerks 142 指標(biāo) 7小時前

He got beat and still blocked that shot. Oh. My. God.


[–]Celtics Tpsteen 128 指標(biāo) 8小時前

how tf is he that fast


[–]Jazz TannAlbinno 85 指標(biāo) 7小時前

He s done crazy work on his footwork, it s improved every year, and this year might be the biggest jump. He cross trains by doing boxing training in the summers and I think that s been good for him too.


[–]Raptors ZeroMomentum 49 指標(biāo) 7小時前

So you guys trained him to be the French James Bond.


[–]Jazz DuckHater1 20 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Players are going to have to learn to dunk the ball when Gobert is on their tail. I d seen enough crazy Gobert blocks to know that was gonna happen when he was beat.


[–][UTA] Donovan Mitchell jazzerhero 80 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Not many guys can lead a team to a victory defensively in the clutch.

This is why he is the DPOY.



[–]oswaldjenkins 16 指標(biāo) 7小時前

he is the foundation of our team. so unbelievably valuable to our success.


[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo Guerra2001 139 指標(biāo) 7小時前

DPOY and honestly it s not close


[–]Jazz samjensen10 89 指標(biāo) 7小時前

This means something coming from a Bucks fan. Giannis is incredible too.


[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 175 指標(biāo) 7小時前

He s the DPOY sorry Giannis


[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo Guerra2001 68 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Giannis is amazing but not quite as good as Rudy. Still think his the 2nd best defensive tho.


[–][UTA] Derrick Favors JazzManOS 12 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I would agree with that rn, though AD is close


[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo Guerra2001 21 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I think AD is the slightly better rim protector despite the advanced stats saying otherwise but I think the perimeter defense puts Giannis ahead


[–]Mavericks gabrielscariot 63 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Watch ad get dpoy because hes a laker


[–]god_of_jams 31 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Eh, both are fantastic defensive players. As a Gobert fan who d love to see him get DPOY, Davis has no doubt transformed the Lakers back into being elite.


[–]Celtics papi617 67 指標(biāo) 6小時前

Imagine the most likely 1st team all defense front court.

Giannis AD Gobert

That s terrifying



[–]copydex1 49 指標(biāo) 6小時前

bruh if I ever saw a team like that I d quit


[–]Jazz Swagsparian 42 指標(biāo) 7小時前

My prediction is Giannis MVP again and Rudy DPOY again (not really a hot take, I know)


[–]Jazz DJFunkyDiabetes 40 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I got a feeling Rudy s gonna have to keep just playing at this crazy level because I m worried about any sort of voter fatigue.


[–][UTA] Derrick Favors JazzManOS 20 指標(biāo) 6小時前

If he keeps playing at this level, he s going to get some MVP votes by the end of the season


[–]Knicks NolanPower 515 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I was more impressed by the way that he defended Luka on the iso with 5 fouls and got him to take a tough contested shot a bit earlier in the 4th. His defense is just insane.


[–]Jazz ChaseBank5 100 指標(biāo) 7小時前

No player in the NBA can make that play except for the 2X DPOY.

All star this man.




[–]Mavericks VictorAkwaowo1 326 指標(biāo) 4小時前

This would be one hell of a playoff series that’s all I’m gonna say, also just give Gobert the DPOY award already he’s just a ridiculous interior defender


[–]Jazz walkingman24 140 指標(biāo) 8小時前

I don t want this playoff series because the Mavericks are scary and they re gonna be a problem for a long time to come


[–]Mavericks GarlandTexas 82 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Don t worry we turn into the Knicks at the end of games. Just don t go down by 30 and you ll be ight


[–]fancyfaceman72 39 指標(biāo) 7小時前

That game was stressful as fuck. I couldn’t handle a four game series of that.


[–][UTA] Donovan Mitchell Fcivish4 95 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Mad respect to the Mavs players. They stayed on the court all of them saying GG to the other team. Top tier sportsmanship.


[–]Mavericks beatnickk 34 指標(biāo) 7小時前

That’s dope. We have a young team but it seems like they all have great attitudes and realize it’s just a game. Luka does get super pissed about losses lol but I’m glad he is always a good sport to his opponents. Good game man


[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life[S] 409 指標(biāo) 4小時前

The Jazz are now 19-2 in their last 21 games. That s flat out elite


[–]Jazz Icandothemove 35 指標(biāo) 4小時前

We only beat under .500 teams tho


[–]notsurewhereelse 22 指標(biāo) 4小時前

The Utah “Los Angeles Lakers” Jazz


[–]Mavericks stilexx 93 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Who the fuck is O neal and why is he taking the most important shot and why is he making it? Gg boys im heartbroken but it was a thriller.


[–]Jazz helpifell 56 指標(biāo) 8小時前

He s a millionaire now! Just got a nice contract extension 4 years 36 mil


[–]K0LA 62 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Hes been our starter for most of the year and all he does is play defense and drain 3s


[–]Australia AussieTrogdor 78 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Shoutout to Royce for keeping Luka quiet in that last quarter


[–]Rockets DjLionOrder 28 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Who was better on defense, prime Gobert or prime Dwight?

And honestly, if you didn t watch Dwight in Orlando, you don t know how freaking ridiculous he was. But watching Gobert these past two years.... There s definitely an argument there



[–]Jazzz jamesw 17 指標(biāo) 7小時前

Ooohh that s a tough question. Both of them had/have huge impacts on the floor. The same way people dont wanna dribble into Rudy, Dwight had that too. Both complete game changers on defense.


[–][UTA] Derrick Favors JazzManOS 6 指標(biāo) 5小時前

That is honestly really close. I wanna say Rudy because I m biased, but prime Dwight was an absolute machine. Willed his team to the finals on the strength of his interior presence alone.


[–]crypto_cooker 32 指標(biāo) 7小時前*

Mavs Fan here , I would give everyone up from the Mavs besides Luka and KP to get Gobert. Utah is a really fun team to watch. But Gobert maan first time the whole season Luka pissed his pants before driving against that wall . respect


[–]NBA BrtGP 33 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I d easily give KP up for Gobert if i were a Mavs fan. Rudy is that good


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Funnydad44 460 指標(biāo) 8小時前

If he ain t an all star this year bro....


[–][UTA] Rudy Gobert jwbt123 129 指標(biāo) 7小時前

I m very very very confident he will be.


[–]Nuggets Iblaka 74 指標(biāo) 6小時前

Spida and Gobert deserve to be All Stars this year especially after they turned the Jazz’ season around. Both have been playing incredible basketball and have Utah sitting at #2 in a tough conference


[–]Celtics crapsence 210 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Rudy for allstar or we riot



[–][DEN] Nikola Jokic darkhaze9 8 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Awesome game, Jazz are so damn clutch.

Also Luka needs to stop jacking up these heroball threes, you could just tell he was going for it on that last possession as soon as he crossed half court.



[–]Grizzlies zepkah 219 指標(biāo) 8小時前

I love Luka, and this loss is not on him, but he takes way too many 3s despite not being a particularly good 3 point shooter. Also, Rudy Gobert is the fucking truth.



[–][ATL] Kent Bazemore SalBeats 90 指標(biāo) 8小時前

It’s honestly bizarre that he does it over and over again, especially in crunch time.

He is so hard to stop when he drives to the rim. It must be a conditioning thing that happens to him late in games.

I know he can get hot and hit a few in a row but he is a career 32% shooter. There has to be a better play than him stepping back throwin up prayers.



[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki jimenycr1cket 20 指標(biāo) 8小時前

It s because we dont have any roll men without Powell. Every time this game he pulled 2 defenders and Gobert and kp would sit at the top of the key instead of rolling to the basket. He had to stop driving because he just started returning it over to gobert.


[–]Mavericks JGraham1839 8 指標(biāo) 8小時前

Mavs fans can t ever enjoy 4th quarter basketball. This team has to easily be the worst 4th quarter team. How many times this season have we led for 80-90% of a game and then lost in the last few minutes. I don t really know if it s solely because of lack of veteran leadership or if it s anything Rick can fix, but this team is good enough to hang with anybody in the League, it just doesn t look like it by record alone because we re always losing games we ve controlled the whole time until the very end. This game, the Hornets, the Nuggets a few weeks ago, the Raptors 30 point comeback, the second Celtics game, the first Trailblazers game, it s literally this team s 4th quarter identity to be good enough to lead almost the entirety of a game then blow it.






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