[Charania] In aftermath of Kobe Bryant passing away, Lakers/Clippers game Tuesday has been postponed.
[–]Bulls Slats7 2132 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Follow up tweet:
[Charania] Lakers players, coaches and officials and entire organization have been deeply grieving loss of Kobe Bryant. “These guys are not ready to play basketball right now,” one source close to Lakers and Clippers players said today.
[–]76ers georgewho__ 1117 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
Which is completely understandable, and I still can t fathom how the other guys managed to play yesterday.
[–]Bulls JC_Frost 668 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
I imagine it probably would have been wise to cancel yesterday s games too, but given the sudden nature of it, it s easy to see the NBA being unsure of what to do and just leaving it be.
[–]Timberwolves DanteCamilli 76 指標(biāo) 1小時(shí)前
I think a big reason that was that it was the day of those games. Fans had already traveled to where they were going and tip off wasn’t too far away for a lot of those games. I don’t think anyone really wanted to play but it is a business
[–]CornSkoldier 17 指標(biāo) 1小時(shí)前
Not to mention the stadium s themselves having all of their employees there. Just a massive logistical issue trying to cancel so many games then coming up with rescheduling them all
[–]Pistons vinnycogs820 623 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
I liked what Melo had to say. That it was incredibly hard but that it s what Kobe would have wanted them to do.
[–]Celtics rounder55 203 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
Probably was the only reason they played. Given the shock and gates open I get why the games went on and wouldn t judge the league either way. Nor would I have judged anyone who was so broken up that didn t play. Totally understand why the Lakers aren t playing. Everyone grieves differently and that s fine.
[–]Lakers HHHogana 17 指標(biāo) 1小時(shí)前
Also if they re so heartbroken they had to do many things just to block the pain (like Giannis removed his socmed accounts), then they can tell their team they can t play, which was what Kyrie did. Also some players gave their tribute by playing their best game, like Trae Young and Dame last night.
[–][MIA] Dion Waiters SenorButtmunch 145 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
Tbh yesterday was amazing in some way with all the tributes to him and a lot of his protégés going off as well as a few nice sound bites. Mamba mentality forever. Must have been awful for those involved but it was a historical thing that really shows how much he was loved.
[–]Lakers fingershrimp 3320 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Lakers haven t posted anything about it to their social media. Seems like the entire organization is in shock and really need time to figure out how to deal with this publicly.
[–]Lakers hoopaholik91 1363 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Yeah I just took a look at Lakers and nothing there either. I don t even know what they re supposed to say.
[–]Lakers Laker_Fan69 903 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I can’t even imagine how Jeanie and Pelinka feel.
[–]Lakers ChappedAssholeLover 140 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I think Pelinka is GiGi’s godfather? Can’t imagine how torn up he is.
[–][MIA] Mario Chalmers LaMarc_GasolDridge 1329 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I haven t stopped thinking about Vanessa Bryant since it happened. A lifetimes amount of heartache in one moment. Im heartbroken but can t imagine her pain
[–]BBQ_HaX0r 59 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
She s going to have to raise two young children without their father. That s got to be incredibly difficult on it s own before all the other heartbreak. Her oldest is almost an adult and was largely raised by (and will remember) her father, but the other two are just babies.
[–]Ham Flash11 13 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
I m sure she ll do the best she can and the oldest will do what she s able as will the city but there s only so much that can be done before you realize that fatherly and sisterly love is just missing. It really is heartbreaking all around.
[–]Rockets el_monstruo 24 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
That right there just seems so lost to me. I understand the players, coaches, fans, etc. are suffering but I hear so much about them and so little about the families suffering from the deaths of the Bryant s, the Altobellis, the Chester s, Mauser, and Zobayan. I m not saying we need to hear from their survivors either but like you said just remember them and the pain they are feeling. It doesn t compare to what any of us feel.
[–]Hawks Drew__Brees 1451 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
There was a family of 3 on the helicopter, the Altobellis the father, mother and the daughter. They leave behind two other children, those kids just lost their parents and sister. There is so much heartbreak all around it is surreal. Fuck everything about this
[–]Warriors JadedBasket 278 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
Just saw a a family picture of the Altobelli’s and my first thought was a family of 5 is now all of a sudden just 2 — I really hope those kids have the strength to get through this, as well as Vanessa and her remaining daughters. Absolutely devastating
[–]mulchmuffin 32 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
My heart hurts with this news. I wanna stop reading but i cant
[–]Grizzlies oshoney 329 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I read somewhere that the team leaders went to be with Vanessa and are waiting for her word before they make any public statements. That’s a great way to handle it.
[–]cam1029_ 200 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I agree. This poor woman not only has to go through the grief and process of burying her husband, but her baby girl, too.
[–]Mavericks rosewoods 60 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
That’s nice of them but what if she’s not ready for another week or more? Are they going to continue playing games and acting as if nothing happened without responding?
[–]geochalkie 76 指標(biāo) 2小時(shí)前
Yeah this seems like an unnecessary burden for her to have. I’m pretty sure the last thing she’s worried about right now is what the Lakers social media is doing.
[–]jonsnowKITN 2133 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Not surprised. It doesn t feel right.
[–]Lakers MightBeJerryWest 40 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Agreed. It’s appropriate. I cant imagine any Lakers player wants to play right now. Same goes for the Clippers and other players, but I’m sure Kobe impacted so many people in the Lakers organization.
[–]Nuggets RexIosue 1072 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前*
I still feel sort of numb today. Like, Kobe is really gone. Haven’t felt this way about a celebrity’s death since Michael Jackson. But personally this hurts more.
To put it into perspective (at least for me) basketball is a huge part of my identity and my personality. So losing him is like losing a mentor, even if I didn’t know him personally.
[–]Lakers misterrunon 199 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
I haven t felt this way about a celebrity s death EVER. I ve been a Laker fan before Kobe was here. I have so many memories of watching him on TV after all these years.. it feels like I know him even if I ve never met him.
I now completely understand the shock of losing a loved one unexpectedly. It hits much harder when you re not prepared for it; I think the shock is a natural reaction because of this. I woke up today and immediately thought Fuck, Kobe is dead.
[–][GSW] Andre Iguodala Chooch3333 56 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
Not even a Lakers fan and I feel this too, thought the same shit when I woke up.
[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki Boogie_Boof 11 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
I still can’t believe this is real. He’s been my role model ever since I started watching basketball. I try to handle adversity in my day to day life with the mamba mentality but it’s been hard the last 2 days. Anytime I start getting a little clarity and level headed about the situation I just think about Vanessa and her other 3 children, and all the other families on that helicopter and it’s a straight punch to the stomach.
As beautiful as life can be sometimes, it can be equally cruel. You just have to take it day by day and let the people you care about know how much you love them. I love all you guys.
[–]Bulls deadassynwa 157 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前*
As much as selfish me would ve wanted to see them play tomorrow, this was the right decision for all parties.
But I do hope that when they reschedule, the Lakers will play the Clips as their next game. I hope they dont skip over the LA battle because I think it would be really monumental for the city, fans from both sides of LA, fans from every single part of LA will be there in the arena to pay respects.
[–][PHI] Eric Snow ShartbusShorty 37 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Exactly. This is the right call for the organization.
But damn, that could have been an all-time game. So many people watching for tributes, respect, and of course LeBron. I think it would be the first time in a long time that the world would be rooting for Bron. We could have had a super villainous Kawhi game. Man.
[–]Raptors kayembeee 41 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
That’s sort of why they had to do it though right? The drama between the two teams is already high. But Kawhi loves Kobe. So much of Kawhi’s game is completely modelled after Kobe. He loves AI too, but just look at his midrange game and it’s all Kobe.
It would be so unfair to turn him and the Clippers into villains when so many on that team are affected as well.
[–][LAL] Kyle Kuzma ablackcloudupahead 100 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
More likely than not it will be tacked on at the end of the season because logistically they would have to rearrange more if they have to change the game after as well
[–]Bucks AlekRivard 66 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
That d be a hell of a way to end a season for you all. Home game vs the Clips with a huge tribute to honor his career. They have a chance to do something awesome for him and the family if they push it to the end of the season.
[–]Prodigy5 181 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
I was hyped for this game but can’t imagine how hard this is hitting the Lakers organization right now. Next game is at home on Friday against Portland.
[–][SAC] Buddy Hield Reidroshdy 20 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
Next game is at Sacramento. Which as a kid who grew up during the heat of the Lakers/Kings rivalry, is going to be emotional.
[–]Lakers Hell_Inc 62 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
As a diehard Lakers fan I just want to express how appreciative that the Clippers organization, who had to agree to this happening, apparently did so without hesitation.
[–]OhKaleNo2 47 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
Clippers are taking this hard too. Look at Doc yesterday
[–]Lakers jomelle 26 指標(biāo) 1小時(shí)前
Every team in the association has been complete class about this. And it’s not because they feel they have to, it’s because they’re genuinely devastated. Kobe’s death transcends beyond the Lakers; this is a major hit to sports in general.
[–]Clippers rraondodgers 194 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Scalpers are crying right now. This is the right decison though, even watching the clippers play yesterday, you could tell they didn t want to be there. I can t imagine what its like for the laker players and the emotion thats going to be in Staples.
[–]Knicks HaruSoul 213 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Good fuck those scalpers. Cheapest tickets were like $1200 for nosebleeds. I hope they end up losing a fuck ton of money.
[–]Bucks crocobearamoose 696 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Lakers should play an 81 game season in honor of him
[–]Celtics falsenaga1 330 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
They should ve cancelled all games yesterday and had every team do this. Wouldn t make sense for 1 team, though.
[–]Trail Blazers fowaddaud 97 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Doesn t work without getting messy
[–]Wizards VariousLawyerings 110 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Symbolic gestures are nice, but literally canceling events and potentially screwing with standings/seeding just to match up the number of games with a historic event is too dramatic.
[–]Boomer Patty 183 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
Also all the pre sold tickets and travel arrangements made to watch particular games.
[–]Nuggets JSA17 82 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
My parents were already in their seats when I texted them about it yesterday. The logistics of canceling a game that was literally minutes from starting would have been a nightmare.
[–]Supersonics PoroPoint 13 指標(biāo) 4小時(shí)前
I am going to Staples Center on Tuesday nevertheless just to pray to Kobe.
[–]lIllIlIIlll 26 指標(biāo) 3小時(shí)前
i think they should remove two of the seats at the Staples center and replace with purple and gold seats for the Mamba and the Mambacita. they should give the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Foundation permanent tickets to those seats, and let them use it to further their mission of helping the youth of Los Angeles. if it s possible, unveil these seats whenever this game is rescheduled to. that s just a thought, either way I m sure they will give him one hell of a tribute when they re ready to.
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