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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2020-02-05 22:15:06    瀏覽次數(shù):44

Knicks owner Jim Dolan is targeting Toronto president Masai Ujiri to ultimately oversee New York’s o

Knicks owner Jim Dolan is targeting Toronto president Masai Ujiri to ultimately oversee New York’s operations, league sources tell ESPN. He is under contract through 2020-2021 in Toronto.



I am targeting Rihanna as my wife, sources tell me.


[–]Celtics MrAwes0m3 182 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

I am targeting Shakira to be my plus one to a wedding.


[–]Knicks tozpoz 4026 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

We’ll get Masai just like we got KD


[–][TOR] Peja Stojakovic 3500fp 352 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Like I got Jennifer Aniston


[–]Knicks DRosesTrainConducter 234 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

What up Luka


[–]Knicks ThatInception 1461 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Don’t forget Kyrie and Zion!


[–]Raptors Toronto416ix 680 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

Don t forget AD to the Knicks


[–][TOR] Serge Ibaka MrAnder5on 393 指標(biāo) 11小時(shí)前

That Kyrie, KD, Zion, AD lineup has been so great this year


[–]Knicks Saucy_Totchie 106 指標(biāo) 9小時(shí)前

Werent the Knicks supposed to trade Zion for AD?


[–]Bulls WrinklyPunyGremlin 16 指標(biāo) 7小時(shí)前



[–][OKC] Steven Adams basketballandpuppies 156 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

I honestly think the Knicks had a better shot at KD than they do Masai.


[–]GGLSpidermonkey 28 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

there was reporting (not sure how true it was), that Dolan didn t want to MAX KD because he was concerned about KD s injury...


[–]Raptors LemmingPractice 20 指標(biāo) 7小時(shí)前

That was Dolan making excuses after he didn t get a meeting with KD.


[–]Knicks Sutoryi 603 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Masai ain t coming here. We d fucking destroy his reputation. Stay in Toronto. Ain t nothing you can do for this trash ass organization


[–][NYK] Tim Hardaway mos_def_not 78 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前*

100+ million reputation

Edit: to all the Raptors fans bragging about how wealthy their owner is(kinda weird tbh), there have been rumors of offering him ownership stakes for the Knicks/MSG which would be hard to pass on.



[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan KyleAce98 156 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

I’m fairly certain MLSE would match any offer Masai would get. He’s pretty much in control of whatever contract size he’s going to get.

MLSE would be foolish to not at least match NYK.



[–][NYK] Tim Hardaway mos_def_not 52 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

The thing I saw that could sway Masai is ownership stakes for the Knicks/MSG. But yeah idk why Masai would wanna come hear, just like I had no idea why KD would wanna come here lol


[–][ATL] John Collins ShootTheMailMan 140 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前*

Masai would elevate from a legend to a GOD if he elevates the Knicks tho

In Toronto, he could establish a Spurs-esque dynasty. But with the Knicks, he could lead them to a world class sports franchise -- similar to the 2010s resurgence of Paris Saint-Germain or Man City



[–]Knicks PallandoTheBlue 78 指標(biāo) 10小時(shí)前

Resurgence doesn t make sense with those clubs. Manchester City were never successful prior to being bought by the Oil Money. Much the same for PSG, a club only found in 1972. PSG are like a newborn baby compared to how old most European clubs are.

Liverpool would probably be a more apt comparison, but even still, historically they were much more successful than the Knicks were.



[–]76ers Mightier-duck 22 指標(biāo) 9小時(shí)前

Realistically, the Knicks are the equivalent of West Ham (constantly talking about using their platform in an amazing city to launch into the elite but failing pretty much every time).


[–][ATL] Dominique Wilkins vault101damner 13 指標(biāo) 5小時(shí)前

Knicks are Nottingham Forest.


[–]HolyAty 23 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

If Masai can revive Knicks, he could be the next logo.



[–]Celtics Zavehi 1137 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Dolan shooting his shot


[–]Heat Georgev7 67 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

He tries at least They gave Jackson what like 60 million? Gotta offer Masai 100+ with ownership stake for him to at least consider


[–]Raptors DressedSpring1 131 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Raps ownership has deeper pockets than Dolan and Masai is on camera stating that he specifically hates the Knicks. If we lose Masai it ll be to some project of his in Africa that he wants to do full time. He isn t going to New York


[–]dropdatdurkadurk 19 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

?we’ve seen a report like this come out the past few years he’s 0/12 in getting Masai but he’s gonna keep shooting 0/13 ain’t shit at this point sooner or later one of them has to go in


[–]Heat Raeedc 946 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Lol it’s funny that they want Masai when he’s the one that fucked them over even more with the melo trade


[–]Knicks ChipAyten 7 指標(biāo) 10小時(shí)前

I m best friends with the dude who fucks my wife


[–]East loudanduneducated 616 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

He also got them again with the Bargnani trade too


[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam aworldsetfree 14 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

GOAT move turning Bargnani into a championship


[–]Raptors sadrapsfan 410 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Then they got do scared they rejected Lowry lol. Dolan played a huge part for the raptors success. If he didn t panic and accept that trade, who knows where raps would be rn


[–]Raptors stevenkc 265 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

His bags were literally packed ready to go lmao. Now he’s the GOAT raptor


[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam Serah_Null 156 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

Lowry s statue gonna be him on the phone with Masai


[–]Raptors DrunkenMasterII 81 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

Seriously this is the crazy thing about this team, as much as I love Masai fact is he never expected the team to perform like it did that first year (2013-2014). It shows that there s so many things that need to go right for a team to succeed. This is also why I m not going to hate on Demar or even Casey despite his comments last year, these guys served as the foundation of what we have today.


[–]blueseeka 50 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

And offloading Bargnani to them to start the winning culture


[–]Raptors PandasTit 59 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

The winning culture started when they traded Gay for 2Pat and General Greivis.


[–][TOR] Jose Calderon MasaiGotUsNow 23 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

Well the bargnani trade was the same year and was still a big moment in our history lol.

Never forget Tim and sid singing on that episode about Masai



永遠(yuǎn)忘不了《Tim and Sid》節(jié)目里為烏杰里歌唱


[–]scammysosa 366 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Fuck off, Dolan.


[–][LAL] Josh Hart Xiio 114 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Not happening


[–]Mavericks GayBoyTroy6969 54 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Probably not but you never know .. if Maasai can go there and turn it around within 5 years he becomes by far the hottest commodity in basketball as far as FO people go.. he prolly already is but his value would go even higher


[–]East loudanduneducated 90 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

He wouldn’t go to New York to try and cement his legacy, the guy already won exec of the year, brought a championship to Toronto and is widely considered the best executive in the league.

If he goes to New York it would be for money, and so he can work out of New York for things outside of the NBA like Basketball Without Borders, Giants of Africa or some new venture



[–]Mavericks GayBoyTroy6969 9 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

He could do both ..look what Theo Epstein did in Boston then Chicago.. Masai could become the GOAT


[–]East loudanduneducated 36 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

I don’t think his life goal is to be the GOAT executive.

To me it seems like he wants to be more of a political figure for Africans, and try and improve their quality of life



[–]lakernation21 44 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Dolan gunna throw 20 million a year at Masai


[–]Raptors MarkellNelson 73 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Would be instantly matched or beaten by us lol


[–]Raptors Raps2k14 106 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

The US also put a travel ban on Nigerians, which I’m sure Masai loves


[–]Raptors Dedicated4life 75 指標(biāo) 11小時(shí)前

Masai is literally the director of Basketball without Borders and they just banned Nigerians from crossing the US border lol.


[–]Raptors snatchi 17 指標(biāo) 11小時(shí)前

Honestly it s crueler than that. USA put an Immigration ban on Nigerians.


[–]Raptors projectPurpleTwo 46 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

All teams looking for a President should target someone like Masai. That said, I find it very hard to believe money would be the deciding factor. It simply does not matter how much money Dolan has to throw at him, MLSE and other ownership groups can do the same. I also still haven’t seen a legitimate reason why NY would be a significantly better place for Masai’s Giants of Africa endeavours than Toronto currently is, besides someone saying “because it’s New York”.


[–]Raptors jorvay 24 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Also, never forget that Ujiri considers Toronto to be his home, at least within North America.



[–]Knicks DRosesTrainConducter 84 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

I already know how this is gonna go. Everyone’s gonna talk up Masai to NY, Dolan is gonna put all his eggs in that basket, Knicks fans are gonna start getting obnoxiously cocky about Masai coming to save us, then Masai signs with the Raptors for a 8 year deal or some shit, Dolan won’t be able to pivot and as a last resort he ends up throwing the bank at fucking Thibs as GM and Coach or something. And we then repeat the process two years from now.


[–]Raptors Strive_for_Altruism 10 指標(biāo) 10小時(shí)前

I can tell you re very experienced with the Knicks as this all sounds incredibly plausible.


[–]dwynalda3 18 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Thibs sounds about right to me


[–]Raptors Wilfs 45 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Knicks sound like Raps fans during the DeRozan years:

This time will be different


[–]Raptors sadrapsfan 30 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

It depends honestly. Mlse is loaded but they aren t a single unit. If they believe in Bobby, they might let Masai go (if he wants to)

I don t think money will be the biggest factor, it s if Masai wants that challenge to make Knicks great again. That would boost his legacy



[–]suki96[ ] 13 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

why would Masai want to work for Dolan though?


[–]nycpenn 86 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

In retrospect, the Phil thing was real tough lol. He hires Phil for a massive amount of money. Phil doesn t like KPs attitude, tries to trade him for Booker and De Aaron Fox. Dolan, who was trying his best to be hands off, steps in and fires Phil to keep his star player happy.

And now it turns out Phil may have been onto something. I know I ll probably get downvoted for saying this cause KP has had 2 great games in a row, but still, a Booker for KP deal would ve been nuts.



[–]Knicks ThaiChiMate 34 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

The suns declined the booker deal


[–]nycpenn 47 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

the point is that Phil had the right idea all along, but Dolan felt he had to step in because the fanbase was screaming their heads off at him for being so hands off. He hired one of the best basketball minds and ego managers of all time, made him the highest paid GM in history at the time, and said alright do your thing I m gonna leave you be . Then when part of his thing turned out to be shopping the recently drafted All-star, fans screamed at Dolan to interfere, Dolan interfered, and it turns out he was right (and the fans wrong) all along.


[–]Sip_Your_Friends 23 指標(biāo) 13小時(shí)前

Yeah KP is overrated and kinda always has been. Booker for KP would’ve been an absolute steal for the Knicks


[–][TOR] Jose Calderon MasaiGotUsNow 13 指標(biāo) 12小時(shí)前

KP is an extremely skilled big and was great on both ends. The hype was warranted, he was a unicorn.

This major concerns were with his injuries, and then he tore his ACL.







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