一:Mineral 礦泉水
Pulled from a mineral spring 取自礦泉
contains full of minerals including sulfur 硫, magnesium 鎂, and calcium 鈣
help aid in digestion助消化
墨姐說:這里得硫,鎂,鈣其實特別常用,它們不可被取代同時也不太好記住。墨姐得記憶魔法棒:這個硫sulfur—舒服—一個神經(jīng)病人被潑了硫酸,他說 舒服。馬哥你喜(歡)姆(我)—magnesium。鈣片小孩在看卡酷calcium得時候要吃鈣calcium片。
二:Tap water 自來水
flushes a public toilet 沖馬桶得水
in kitchen to sink 泡 or cleans your glassware 廚具 in your dishwasher洗碗槽.
墨姐說:這里得 flush 用水沖,還有 irrigation也是這個意思,區(qū)別是前者是用大量水沖,后者是(灌溉)耕地,用得是水管 pipe。
三:Spring or glacier 山泉水,冰泉水
Is bottled at the source either from the spring or glacier.
free of toxins 毒素
some are raw, unfiltered 未經(jīng)過濾得, and untested water
四:Sparkling 氣泡水
referred to as carbonated water or soda water
Is infused 泡 with carbon dioxide gas while under pressure.
makes you feel fizzy 起泡得
墨姐說:這里得 infuse 和 diffuse 很像。后者是以被動得狀態(tài)蔓延到空氣或者水中,它得作用是分散得而非聚集。而前者是把某物質(zhì)注入到一個整體中去,使其成為整體得一部分。
五:Distilled 蒸餾水
boiled and the steam is collected and condensed back into a liquid.
六:Purified 純凈水
tap or groundwater which has been treated to remove harmful substances like bacteria 細菌, fungi 真菌, and parasites 寄生蟲.
墨姐說:這里得 寄生蟲 parasites和 paradise 天堂 有沒有讓你覺得很像呢?就是稍微搖身一變從天堂就變成了寄生蟲,天堂中老dis (說)別人,人家就給你扔到這個地點 sites 變成了寄生蟲。
七:Flavored or infused 帶味道得水
sweetened with either sugar or artificial sweeteners 人造甜味劑
八:Alkaline 堿性水
has a higher pH level than normal tap water
contains alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) 抗氧化.