English Idioms 英文成語
1. spill the beans;泄漏秘密;透露;說漏嘴;
英文解析:-to reveal secret information;泄漏秘密信息;
例句:Diana kept pressuring Bill to tell her how much he paid for the engagement ring, but he refused to spill the beans. 戴安娜一直向比爾施壓,要他告訴她他買訂婚戒指花了多少錢,但他拒絕透露。
2. in a pickle:陷入困境;
英文解釋:-being in a difficult situation;處于困境中;
例句:Our company needs to pay back a loan from the bank, but business has been slow. If we don't get more customers by the end of the year, we'll really be in a pickle. 我們公司需要償還銀行貸款,但生意一直不景氣。如果我們到年底還不能吸引更多得顧客,我們就真得要陷入困境了。
3. food for thought:引人深思;
英文解釋:-information worth considering;值的去思考得信息;
例句:That book was written 50 years ago, but it's still very applicable today. You should read it - it definitely provides some food for thought. 那本書是50年前寫得,但在今天仍然非常適用。你應(yīng)該讀一讀,它可能嗎?提供了一些引人深思得信息。
4. in the blink of an eye:一眨眼得功夫;
英文解釋:-very quickly / suddenly;很快/突然;
例句:Put that cell phone away! You need to pay attention constantly while driving; an accident can happen in the blink of an eye. 把手機收起來!開車時你需要時刻注意,一眨眼得功夫就專家發(fā)生事故。
5. know the lyrics by heart:牢記;背的滾瓜爛熟;
英文解釋:-you've memorized it;你已經(jīng)記住了;
例句:I've heard that song so many times that I know the lyrics by heart. 那首歌我聽了好多遍,歌詞都背的滾瓜爛熟。
6. a thick skin:心寬;內(nèi)心強大;
英文解釋:-don't let criticism affect you emotionally;別讓別人得批評影響你得情緒;
例句:You can't start crying every time someone gives you a suggestion for improvement. You need to develop a thick skin. 總不能每次有人給你提改進(jìn)建議就哭吧。你需要心寬一點看開一點。